I'm personally very interested in the infoSec industry, and was having a chat with a guy already in the industry last night. He suggested I take a look at the following video as some guidelines with do's and dont's. If you or you know someone who is interested in infoSec or NetSec, show them the video below;
Category Archives blog
"As for how to write well, here’s the short version: Write a bad version 1 as fast as you can; rewrite it over and over; cut out everything unnecessary; write in a conversational tone; develop a nose for bad writing, so you can see and fix it in yours; imitate writers you like; if you can’t get started, tell someone…
I began this post as a sort of diary or progress tracker for myself, but I think it could be beneficial to others, so I've decided to open it up to the public. It all began with the following video which prompted me to begin tracking my progress with my personal goals, and has since expanded into financial and professional…